Designing ports, terminals and other complex infrastructure facilities is always a case of setting out to create a facility with predetermined characteristics in a predefined place. The solutions to be developed will depend heavily on the prevailing conditions at the actual site, and the location of the facility.

For the comprehensive study of the environmental conditions in the region in question, an engineering survey is conducted which will yield crucial information for the design work to come.

A survey is a serious process of field-based study which, depending on the assignment, may include the following elements:

  • geodesic survey – the collation of topographical-geodesic materials and data on the situation and relief of the location (including river-, lake- and seabeds), existing structures and facilities (above and below ground level) and other elements of the local layout;
  • geological survey – an assessment of the specific characteristics of the relief and hydrological regime of the location where construction is planned, including the physical characteristics of the soils and subsoils;
  • geotechnical survey – a study of the properties of the soils and subsoils that will be used for the facility's foundations, the local environment for any underground installations, and an assessment of the stability of natural and manmade soils, slopes and escarpments;
  • ecological survey – an assessment of the prevailing environmental conditions and a forecast of any potential impact on the local environment from the influence of technical work.

The entire project depends on the quality of the survey works conducted. Morstroytechnology engages partner organisations to carry out these surveys as a subcontractor, but the planning, management and control over the whole process is kept in-house.

Morstroytechnology's testing centre specialises in conducting a range of different kinds of survey work associated with hydrotechnical construction work:

  • soil field-testing using piles (statistical research using axial twisting, compression, extension and horizontal loads);
  • dynamic pile-testing;
  • control pile-testing and formulation of criteria for installation of the facility’s foundation piles;
  • field-based soil-testing using pile-based sensors and stamps;
  • technical and scientific supervision of construction works;
  • bespoke testing (soil-testing using special programmes, testing of individual structural elements, ground anchors etc.);
  • test-shipments;
  • theoretical analysis of the facility's operation, identification of latent reserves of carrying capacity;
  • evaluating structural reinforcement proposals (including carrying out special construction works to implement such proposals on existing installations).