Client: Murmansk Commercial Sea Port LLC

Work timeline: 2010-2011

Facility owner: Rosmorport, Murmansk Branch

The following is an example of quay inspection works. Each year, Morstroytechnology carries out a large volume of such work, and the work  detailed below is sufficiently representative.

Project brief

Regular appraisal and inspection work on quays 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18 at the Murmansk commercial port in accordance with an agreement between Murmansk Commercial Sea Port LLC and Morstroytechnology LLC, with the aim of evaluating the technical condition of the facilities and their fitness for operation. In accordance with the calendar schedule, this work was divided into two stages.

Design engineering stage

Inspection of structures and facilities

Works carried out

The volume of the inspection was specified in with reference to the requirements of the organizational standard StP RMP 31.01-2007 «Regulation on the organization of technical control of hydrotechnical facilities assigned to FGUP «Rosmorport» on the basis of ownership rights», recommended standard STO 318.3.04-2009 «Regulation on the technical control of port hydrotechnical facilities» and RD 31.3.3-97 «Guidance for technical control of hydrotechnical facilities for maritime transport», as well as the Technical Specifications.

In accordance with accepted methodology, the following operations were carried out:

  • checking of the technical documentation used by the organisation operating the facility;
  • analysis of the results of previous inspections conducted by third-party organisations;
  • visual inspection of the facilities' upper structure and equipment;
  • visual inspection of those elements of the foundation of the facility which are accessible for such inspection (above and below water level), including sea bed in front of the facility;
  • selective measurements of steel sheet-pile wall thickness at quays 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15 and 16;
  • thickness measurement of steel sheet-pile wall and flooring along selected alignments at quays 9, 10, 13, 14;
  • measurement of any deviation of sheet-pile wall from the vertical;
  • depth-soundings along the cordon;
  • measurement of the plan-position and elevation of the upper structure, and the elevation of the quay territories;
  • evaluation by compression-testing of the surface concrete layer of the foundation piles;
  • analysis of depth soundings made in 2010 along the cordon of the quays subject to inspection;
  • inspection of crane- and railway tracks on the quay surfaces;
  • additionally, in accordance with the Technical Specifications, the width of the channels along the cordon of the quays that cannot be re-dredged was calculated.

The underwater elements of the facilities structures were inspected by scuba-equipped divers during daylight hours, using artificial illumination, wired and wireless underwater communications systems and an underwater video-camera.

To measure the thickness of the steel sheet-pile a «Cygnus 1» ultrasound thickness gauge was used in accordance with GOST standard 28702-90 (СТ СЭВ 6791-89). Measurement of the solidity of the top concrete layer on the quays was carried out by non-destructive, strike-impulse methods using the «Onyx-2.5» instrument in accordance with GOST standard 22690-88.


On the basis of the results of the inspection carried out on the facilities, the following documents were prepared and sent to the client: an Akt confirming completion of the inspection of the hydrotechnical facilities; a Certificate of Fitness for Purpose of the facilities; a Notification of repair work required; a Notification of changes to the regime of operation of the facility, and an Assessment of the technical condition of the facility.

 Порт Мурманск. Фасад причала № 5Port of Murmansk. Quay 5 façade

Результаты определения высотного положения и ширины колеи первого от кордона железнодорожного рельсового пути на причале № 5

Results of measurement of the elevation and gauge width of the first rail track from the cordon at Quay 5 (as at 21.07.10)

Порт Мурманск. Фасад причала № 15

Port of Murmansk. Quay 15 façade